Audition for EVIL!

Live! from E.V.I.L. is holding open auditions for the upcoming episode titled “Gathering On EVIL”, slated for release in early 2015, and possibly used to pitch the series to major cartoon studios.

Virgil Villain and his henchman Weevil are throwing a Lair Warming Party in order to meet the other inhabitants on Evil Island. This is where you come in!

Now’s your chance…

Click HERE for full Audition Instructions and Rules!!!


Welcome to the Evil Villain Island Lair!

So glad you chose our quaint little island for your vacation…

While you’re here, be sure to check out the sights like our “Lava Fall”, “Magma Lake”, and other more friendly locales.

Oh! And did we mention that the cartoon series “Live! from E.V.I.L. (Evil Villain Island Lair)” is filmed entirely on our island?

How could we be so forgetful?

Please take a look around. Click on some links at the top to Subscribe, watch Episodes, learn more About the series, or Contact us.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay…
“The Management”

Cartoon Heroes, Villains, Sidekicks and Henchman